Splemdid Yoga with Leigha Nicole

Group Classes
with Leigha Nicole

Leigha offers a variety of Ashtanga Yoga classes:

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga
This course is geared toward the beginning student and introduces them to the first part of the Primary Series. Classes will emphasize the correct breathing method (Ujjayi Pranayama) and energetic practices (Mula Bandha and Uddiyana Bandha) while adhiring to traditional sequencing.

Primary Series
These high energy classes lead students through the entire Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga. The class is counted in sanskrit and allows the student to build stamina and tapas (internal heat) by maintaining the pace established by the teacher. Prior experience with the practice is recommended.

Mysore style
These classes are self-paced oriented and emulate the style of teaching which Sri K. Pattabhi Jois developed in his shala in Mysore, India. Students of all levels have an opportunity to synchronize their movements to their own breath rhythm thus customizing the pace of the practice.
Since this is not a conducted class, the atmosphere is quiet which allows for greater concentration and a deeper journey iside oneself.
Through adjustments and quiet one-on-one dialogue, the student receives increased personalized attention.

For more information about Leigha's class schedule click here.
